lifetime support
lifetime support

care, every
step of the way
Lifetime Support, Inc. was created to help families oversee the care and finances of their loved ones. Lifetime Support, Inc. allows families to plan ahead and arrange to have someone take on these important responsibilities in the event that family members become unable to do so. For individuals with no family involvement, Lifetime Support, Inc. evaluates their case to see if there is a need to pursue guardianship; as long as it’s in the best interest of the individual.
employment first in new jersey
In 2012, the Governor declared New Jersey an ‘Employment First’ state. This means competitive employment is the first and preferred post-education activity for everyone, including people with disabilities.
The Extended Employment Program (EE) is one of the programs that may be offered under the federal definition of a Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP)
EE Programs:
- Provide services as an interim step in the rehabilitation process
- Are specifically designed for consumers who are presently unable to work in CIE or who have chosen to work in a non-integrated setting
- Gives individuals the ability to complete complex tasks with staff’s assistance to ensure quality!
- Hand assembling and packaging
- Disassembly
- Repackaging
- Promotions fulfillment
- Heat sealing
- Labeling/mailing and collating
- Sorting/hanging/folding clothes/bagging/tagging/shredding and much more!
Many labor-intensive tasks or sub-components of jobs can be produced at The Arc’s work site by well-trained and supervised workers. Production is designed to meet manufacturer’s standards with a high degree of quality control and attention to production deadlines. Lower payroll costs/supplement your workforce without direct hiring.
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support services
Lifetime Support, Inc. currently serves as the legal guardian (in some cases with a family member as co-guardian) of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In addition, Lifetime Support serves as trustee and co-trustee of several Special Needs Trusts created to benefit individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. LTS. Inc. no longer provides representative payee services. The Arc of Union County is now an organizational payee and services are provided under that name. I’m still the one responsible for the payee department.
Although Lifetime Support, Inc. serves many individuals who live in housing and/or attend day programs run by The Arc of Union County, it also serves individuals who are not receiving any support from The Arc of Union County on a case-by-case basis.

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