Training And Development

training and development

Young disable female office worker looking through papers in one of folders

skills development

The Arc of Union County strives to provide every employee with the opportunity to further develop his or her skills. Continued professional development throughout an employee’s career at The Arc is encouraged. 

The Arc’s internal Training Department provides an ongoing menu of training classes, with most classes being offered on a regular schedule throughout the year.

As part of the current Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) guidelines, the CDS eLearning modules of Medications and the DDD Training Bundle have been added to our menu of offerings. The DDD Training Bundle includes the following classes:

  • DDD Shifting Expectations: Changes in Perception, Life Experience and Services
  • Maltreatment and Response
  • DDD Life Threatening Emergencies (Danielle’s Law)
  • DDD Stephen Komninos’ Law

employment first in new jersey

In 2012, the Governor declared New Jersey an ‘Employment First’ state. This means competitive employment is the first and preferred post-education activity for everyone, including people with disabilities.

The Extended Employment Program (EE) is one of the programs that may be offered under the federal definition of a Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP)

EE Programs:

  • Provide services as an interim step in the rehabilitation process
  • Are specifically designed for consumers who are presently unable to work in CIE or who have chosen to work in a non-integrated setting
  • Gives individuals the ability to complete complex tasks with staff’s assistance to ensure quality!



  • Hand assembling and packaging
  • Disassembly
  • Repackaging
  • Promotions fulfillment
  • Heat sealing
  • Labeling/mailing and collating
  • Sorting/hanging/folding clothes/bagging/tagging/shredding and much more!

Many labor-intensive tasks or sub-components of jobs can be produced at The Arc’s work site by well-trained and supervised workers.  Production is designed to meet manufacturer’s standards with a high degree of quality control and attention to production deadlines.  Lower payroll costs/supplement your workforce without direct hiring.

hire us

customized classes

As a community provider, The Arc’s training offerings extend beyond their own staff. Non-Arc employees may also participate in The Arc’s high quality training programs. Some examples of these offerings are:

  • American Red Cross CPR and Standard First Aid
  • Defensive Driving
  • Crisis Management

The Arc of Union County is here for your training needs! Have a specific need? The Arc customizes classes for:

  • Supervision
  • Nutrition
  • Behavioral supports
  • And more!

Take it on the road! The Arc is happy to host all of these sessions, but is also willing to train at your facility! The training team is mobile and is able to train at your site.

The Arc continuously offers a wide range of basic and higher level training courses, enabling all staff to learn, enhance their skills, and to provide them with the tools to more effectively perform their responsibilities.

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